You have a voice. You have a vision. You have a mission. You have what it takes to be a leader in feminine health and hygiene, and we're here to cheer you on!
Learn to #ShareTheCare with other young Filipinas. Take charge of your feminine journey, inspire others, and celebrate pH Care's 20th year of empowering women! Be a part of our mission to uplift and support women's health and hygiene!
Main Quest
Level up your fem care game with the #ShareTheCare Quest! Explore informative materials and win rewards every time you complete them! Together, let's conquer fem care for every Filipina!
pH Care Presents: A Silent Film
Safe spaces are more than cozy corners and inspirational quotes. They are also meant to create safe havens to encourage girls to talk about tough conversations such as feminine health and hygiene. As you journey towards your own feminine care education, find out how you can be a safe space for others. Watch “pH Care Presents: A Silent Film” and just like Karina, find your voice, have a safe corner, and be one for others.
Here are some snaps we took during #CareU as we talk about feminine health care and hygiene on different campuses in the Philippines!
Join to get rewards!
Unleash your inner explorer at Edukasyon.ph! Take on our challenge, complete the #ShareTheCare quest, and unlock amazing rewards that will make your education journey even more exciting!
Want to #pHCareToLearn more?
Revisit your favorite content that showed you everything you need to know about feminine health and hygiene and buckle up for an exciting refresher!